Saturday, December 27, 2008

December and Christmas Update

December for the Salinas Family was very eventful!

We took a trip to Gatlinburg (Smoky Mountains)at the beginning of the month. We stayed at the Westgate Resort and had a wonderful time. We did some shopping, went to the Wonderworks Museum, and did some major relaxing.

Logan was in his first ever Christmas play at our church. He was a wise man. He was so cute and did a great job. He did not have any lines but did have to sing with the entire cast two songs! He did wonderful!

We celebrated Christmas with lots of traditions. Unfortunately, we were not able to do some of our traditions as three of the four kids were sick on Christmas Eve. Katie started running a high fever the week before Christmas and we took her to the doctor where tests were performed. The results showed a kidney infection. To make a long story very short...after four trips to the doctor and four different medicines she is feeling better and doing great. We will be going Monday the 29th to Vanderbilt for a kidney ultrasound/mri for Katie. They want to determine the cause of the kidney infection since she is so young. Please stand united in prayer with our family for Katie's healing. Luke and Tanner took turns being sick on Christmas Eve. We spent the morning at a Walk in Clinic only to find out that they both had a stomach bug. Even though our Christmas started out rocky, it turned out to be a really GREAT Christmas. We spent time with our family and enjoy as many traditions as we could fit in with the kids being sick. We did a lot of simplifying this year (which has been a message that the Lord has been giving to me all throughout the year) especially with Christmas and to be completely honest, this Christmas was one of the best. I emphasized with the kids this year about what Christmas means and why we celebrate Christmas. I tried to have a religious/Christian meaning for each of our traditions and because of that I think this Christmas was the best since we were more focused on the true meaning and in the true spirit of Christmas! The best gift I received was on Christmas morning when Katie said "momma" for the first time!

As of today, Katie, Luke, and Tanner are feeling much better and enjoying their new toys! However, Logan started getting sick today. I think he has caught the bug that Luke and Tanner had so the next round has began!

During the busyness of the season, Luke became potty trained! YEAH!!!!!
Tanner has had a couple of successes but dont really care one way or the other when it comes to pottying.

Katie can now say momma, dadda, bubba, that, and nana. She also has started taking steps with out any assistance and received her first baby doll for Christmas. She also likes music and will dance when she hears music playing. Her new tricks are blowing kisses and playing peek-a-boo!

Mace and I both had several days off for the holidays and it was very nice. This is one time that I can honestly say that I feel like I have had a couple of days off. It has been great to have some down time.

I guess that sums up our December.

Make sure that you pay close attention to the pictures in the slide shows at the top and the very bottom as they are all NEW and UPDATED pictures. I have been working hard on getting the website updated.

Take care and I will post again soon.
We hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas and we pray for blessings for your family in the NEW YEAR.

1 comment:

Jennifer Fleming said...

Alexis had that kidney thing done and a cystogram(???) for the bladder and kidney last year..she was fine. it was due to consipation and being impacted.