Sunday, June 15, 2008

So Much Going On...

It has been a two weeks since my last post. It is not because I am lazy just a busy mom of four! Let's get everyone caught up on the never boring life of the Salinas Crew this is what has been going on with us...
1. My sister had her birthday
2. My mom had her first chemo treatment
3. Have been nominated to be an officer/chairperson for POTATO (parents of twins and triplet organization)
4. Had family outtings
5. Celebrated Father's Day
6. Hired a contractor and architect for our addition to our home (to hopefully begin in August or September)
7. Had Birthday Parties and Showers to attend for friends

So as you can see I have had a good excuse as to the reason why my blog is not as up to date as it should be.

Mom is doing quite well with chemo. I have created her a website in order for family and friends to stay up to date on her progress. The address is

Katie is growing so fast. She has really enjoyed learning how to move in her walker. She loves being able to sit up and see what is going on around her. It is amazing to watch her curosity. I also brought in her highchair to the kitchen so that she can sit with us at meal times. Tonight was the first time she sat in it. She played while the family at dinner. She played so hard that she fell asleep! It was just so cute.

I promise to do better at keeping the blog up to date. I can not promise I will as I never know what my life will entail from one day to the next but that is the beauty of being a wife of almost 11 years and a mom to four kids!

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