Monday, February 16, 2009

February Happenings!

Boy has this month been busy! Each of the kids have been sick with sinus infections. Tanner was the sickest of them all. We actually took him to the doctor and found out that he has/had pre-asthma bronchitis. He was on medicated breathing treatments several times a day for a couple of weeks. It was pretty rough. Of course it made its rounds through the house with Mace being the latest victim! He was actually off of work for several days and did go to the doctor to get some meds. I know it has been a couple of weeks since my last post but with the sickness running wild in our house I have been far from lazy! The blog site just had to take a back seat! Anyways, I am hoping that we are back on track for the rest of the month. Hope every one is doing well and enjoying the month of February!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Yea! I found you guys - now we can really keep up with you all. The kids are adorable. I can't believe Katie is one!